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Privacy Policy

Stash It Self Storage (we, us, or our) is committed to protecting and maintaining the privacy, accuracy, and security of your personal information. This privacy policy sets out details of how we collect, use, store, and disclose your personal information. By accessing and using our website or storing with us, you consent to the collection, use, storage, and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with this policy.

How We Collect Your Information

We will only collect personal information relevant to our business relationship with you. The personal information we collect will generally include your name, address, telephone numbers, email address, credit card or bank account details, date of birth, driver licence details, passport number, CCTV footage and/or audio, information about your use of our services, and any other information we reasonably require to do business with you. We will collect this information directly from you when you:

  • sign up for storage with us;
  • access our storage facilities; and
  • communicate or interact with us, whether by email, telephone, or otherwise.

We also collect information about your credit history and storage history from third parties to help us assess whether to provide you with storage. You may choose to not provide us with this information, but not doing so may affect our ability to provide you with storage. You are required to keep us informed of changes to your information to enable us to have proper administrative processes.

We may also collect aggregated information generated by our system, which tracks your use of our products and services but does not identify you personally.


Our website uses server logs and web analytic tools (such as “cookies”). Cookies are small text files that are downloaded to your device by websites that you visit. When you use our website, these tools collect information such as the browser and operating system that you use, the internet protocol address of the device you use to access the site, search terms, your location, and the content that you view when visiting the website. You can set your browser to block all cookies, including cookies associated with our website, or to indicate when a cookie is being set by us. If you set your browser to reject cookies, you may not be able to access all the features of the website.

How We Use Your Information

We may use your personal information to:

  • identify you and assess your application for storage;
  • ensure the security of the facility and the goods and people within the facility;
  • communicate with you;
  • carry out our business, which includes maintaining your account, planning, training, product development, research, and analysis;
  • manage our risk, including enabling us to undertake a search of the StorerCheck database or any relevant credit history entity;
  • undertake appropriate searches, including a PPSR search if your account goes into default;
  • enforce our agreement with you in any way;
  • fulfil our legal requirements (for example, disclosure to law enforcement agencies or the courts); and
  • or for any related purpose in connection with the above.

We may use any information that we collect from you that is not personal information (so you cannot be personally identified from it) for our business purposes, including to:

  • assess how our customers use the storage facility;
  • improve our products and services; and
  • for marketing and promotional purposes.


We may use your information to offer you products and services that we believe meet your needs. You can notify us at any time if you do not wish to receive these offers by contacting your local branch via our website https://stash-it.nz/. We will act promptly on any such request.


We subscribe to the StorerCheck system. StorerCheck is a database for the storage industry to identify and store information about problem storers. By applying to store with us, you agree that we may:

  • search the StorerCheck database for information StorerCheck may have about you;
  • discuss your personal information with other StorerCheck members;
  • refuse you storage or terminate your storage agreement if you are listed with StorerCheck;
  • update any of your personal information in StorerCheck and add any relevant new information; and
  • release your personal information to StorerCheck if you breach your storage agreement in any way or behave in an illegal or threatening manner.

Who We May Disclose Your Information To

We may disclose information we retain about you, including your personal information, to the following persons or their agents:

  • our employees, contractors, and our related entities;
  • third parties engaged by us to perform specific functions for our business, such as auctioneers, second-hand dealers, building contractors, maintenance services, investigators;
  • service providers engaged by us, such as data storage, IT software management, insurers, and financial services;
  • government departments and agencies;
  • law enforcement agencies (including the Police);
  • any person who can demonstrate to our reasonable satisfaction that they have a legal or equitable interest in the goods stored;
  • liquidators, administrators, or other persons appointed to administer your financial affairs;
  • debt collection services or credit reporting agencies;
  • your Alternate Contact Person (ACP);
  • StorerCheck; and
  • storers or third parties who reasonably believe that you have caused damage or injury to that Storer or third party.

Some of the persons listed above may be located overseas. We will only transfer your personal information to a recipient that is obliged to protect your personal information with comparable safeguards to those contained in the Privacy Act 2020, or otherwise, we will obtain your express consent to transfer or store the personal information.

We may disclose, sell, or transfer to third parties any non-personal aggregated information that we collect from you and our other customers.

Alternate Contact Person

It is your responsibility to ensure that you have obtained your Alternate Contact Person’s (ACP) consent to disclose their information to us and that we may use their personal information as we would personal information collected about you. You will be in breach of your agreement with us if you have not obtained your ACP’s consent.

Your Information Is Secure

We will take reasonable steps to keep your personal information secure and confidential. This includes the following:

  • only our staff and those who perform services on our behalf and are authorized to handle your information will have access to your personal information;
  • we will not retain any of your information for any longer than it is required by us, except to fulfill our legal obligations or where you have consented; and
  • we will, with your help, keep your personal information accurate, complete, and up-to-date.

You Have Access to Your Information

You can access most of the personal information we hold about you and request corrections. This right is subject to some exceptions; for example, you may not obtain access to information relating to existing or anticipated legal proceedings. You can request access to your information by contacting us via your branch website at https://stash-it.nz/. This service is free unless the information you request requires significant research or preparation time. Before we act upon requests of this nature, we will tell you how much this service will cost.

What to Do If You Think We Have Made an Error

We are committed to protecting your privacy, and our policies, processes, and systems have been developed with this in mind. However, if you think we have made an error, please contact us via your branch website at https://stash-it.nz/ to let us know. Where we have made an error, we will endeavour to correct the error as soon as reasonably practicable.

Questions and Complaints

If you have a question or complaint about our privacy policy or the way we have dealt with your personal information, please contact us via your branch website at https://stash-it.nz/. We will endeavour to respond promptly to your question or complaint.

Breaches of Your Privacy

We take our privacy responsibilities seriously. In the unlikely event that a suspected or actual breach of your personal data occurs, we will investigate the breach. We will notify you and the Privacy Commissioner if we reasonably believe that the breach has caused you serious harm or is likely to cause you serious harm.


We may amend this policy from time to time, and the amended policy will be published on our website. Your continued use of our services following such amendments will be deemed acceptance of those amendments. We encourage you to check this page from time to time to review our current policy.

NZ SSAA Form 13: This document is to be read in conjunction with all NZ Storage Agreements. It forms part of the legal relationship between you (the Storer) and the Owner/Facility, its employees and any other person entitled to enforce the Agreements. V1. November 2020

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